Upcoming Shows: Guttermouth and The Cryptics!


“Number 201 reporting for duty, sir!” Guttermouth will be back in town in a couple of weeks and I am going. The band is currently touring with The Cryptics. Not being familiar with the supporting act, I did some research. The Cryptics have a riff-heavy sound and hard-hitting drums. The band didn’t really click with me although I imagine a lot of people may enjoy them.

The Cryptics  have a second opportunity for redemption. Because one of the best things about going to see a live show is that it allows for the most honest review of a band, it allows me another chance to become a fan of The Cryptics.

I have so many rad memories blasting Guttermouth’s self-title album while skateboarding with my friend Jeff. So I dedicate this post to him (he’s not dead, so it’s cool). While you are waiting for Guttermouth to come to your town, please enjoy this fucking classic snotty skatepunk gem.